In this article:


Configuration Details Screen

Configuration Screen

Next Steps:


This article is on the Portfolio Configuration screen. The Configuration settings are found on the Portfolio tab (see screenshot below). Details on the screen are as follows:

Configuration Details Screen

Name: Name of Portfolio
Owner: Owner of the site
Country: Country associated with the Portfolio. You can change the country by selecting the drop-down arrow and selecting the preferred country.
Region: Region associated with the Portfolio. You can change the region by selecting the drop-down arrow and selecting the preferred region.
Type: Type of Portfolio
Icon: Icon associated with the Portfolio
Dashboard: the associated dashboard of the portfolio. Please see the info note below on dashboard display: 

Overview: overview detail of the portfolio
Children: children objects (sub-portfolios) associated with the portfolio. You can add children objects by clicking on +Add button. This opens up the Add child dialogue box as below:

Enter the Code, Name, Owner, Type, Icon, Dashboard, Overview and the Parent portfolio associated with the child object.

Configuration Screen

The Configuration screen is divided into 2 categories, the System and General section. Details on the screen can be found on the following Next Steps article:

Next Steps:

To view the details of the Configuration screen, please see the following article: Configuration Screen Section