Idea Timeline: 

Target, revised target and actual milestone and dates should be included under the Idea Timeline sub-section including the evaluation start date, implementing, cash flowing and locked in dates.

The comparison between these Target and Actual dates will dictate whether the idea is:

  • On track (green)
  • At risk (amber)
  • Late (red)

The rules regarding timelines are as follows:

Date selected for Evaluating stage should be less or equal to implementation, implementation should be less or equal to Cash Flowing, Cash Flowing date must be less or equal to Locked In.

I.e. For each date category specified. i.e. Evaluating <= Implementing <= Cash Flowing <= Locked In.

Idea Forecasts:

The Idea forecasts allows you to specify the percentage benefit that will be derived for the idea at specific dates.

If forecasts are added, these values will be used for the idea benefit in place of the global pipeline stage benefit percentages.

The values specified are used when generating the Cumulative Benefit Report forecast values.