In this article


Workflow stage

Status widgets

Run Rate Benefits

Overdue Actions



Next Steps


The Idea/Initiative Performance page displays a summary of the key performance areas of the Idea/Initiative. There are five categories of information available, each of which is detailed below.

Workflow stage

The workflow stage widget displays the current stage of the Idea/Initiative, whether it is on track (green dot) or off track (red dot) and what the expected dates for entering each of the stages are. These dates are configured in the Workplan. 

Click on the widget to navigate to the Approval page of the Idea/Initiative.

Status widgets

The Benefits Delivery widget summarizes the Benefits delivered/forecasted for the Idea/Initiative for the current month. The colour (green, red, grey) is set based on the data that the widget receives. 

  • Green - On track based on the configured trend for the Idea/Initiative. 
  • Red - Off track based on the configured trend for the Idea/Initiative. 
  • Grey - No data

If there is a warning, a triangle is shown in the widget, more information is shown when hovering over the icon.

Note: Benefit delivery widgets will display for each of the Benefit types, whether Financial or Non-Financial that is added to the Idea/Initiative

The Timeline status widget displays the status of the Idea/Initiative with regard to the stage it should be in. 

  • Green - On track 
  • Red - Off track
  • Amber - At risk

Run Rate Benefits

The Run Rate Benefits widget displays a copy of the chart on the Financial Benefit page. Click on the widget to navigate to the Benefit page.

Overdue Actions

Overdue Actions from the Idea/Initiative's workplan are also shown, these actions can be edited by clicking on the action name or marked as complete by ticking the box.


The Risks widget shows all the risks that were identified with the colour indicating the relevant risk rating. Click on the widget to navigate to the Risk page.


KPI's that have been added to the VDT will automatically be shown here and cannot be removed from this view; additional KPI's can be added by clicking the +Add KPI button on the top right. To remove a KPI from the idea, click on the Trash icon.

The date used to generate the KPI Chart above is determined as follows:

  • The system will use the Implementing Stage Revised Date if specified.
  • If the Revised date is not specified for the Implementing Stage, the Target Date will be used.
  • Otherwise, if there are no Implementing Stage Target and Revised Dates specified, the chart will be generated from the date when the Idea was created.

The Up to Date status of the KPI is determined as follows:

  • The KPI status is updated every time KPI values are uploaded or updated based on the selected performance period. i.e. if a KPI has values uploaded for its performance period, it will be Up To Date underwise it will not be Up To date.

Clicking the curved arrow at the top right of the KPI widget will navigate to that KPI in the KPI module.

Next Steps

Now that you can understand the Performance tab, see article Initiative Overview.