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Rules. (Required fields are marked with a Red background colour)

Field NameDescriptionRulesException HandlingValues to be placedDefault ValuesField Type
Activity CodeThis field contains the unique Code of an Activity Must be unique for non-deleted activities (can use the same ActivityNumber as a deleted idea). 1-20 characters.If the record data exceeds 20 characters, the record will NOT be imported. 
 If the field value is either blank or "NEW" then the number will be generated from the relevant department or subdepartments sequence which can be set up in the admin module.Variable Character (20)
Portfolio Level 1
This is an indication of the Portfolio Level 1(department) to which the idea belongs.
The  Level 1(department) selected must match up with the Level 1(departments) saved on the system.
If there is a spelling mistake or the  Level 1(department) selected on the import does not meet the departments saved on the system, the record will still be allowed to be imported onto the system. However, the  Level 1(department) field will be empty. 
This will be determined by the users and the codes they associate with the  Level 1(department). All codes will be unique. 

Lookup ( Level 1 departments )
Portfolio Level 2
This is an indication of the Portfolio Level 2 (sub-department) to which the idea will belong to. 
The Portfolio Level 2 (sub-department)  selected must match up with the Portfolio Level 2 (sub-department) saved on the system.
If there is a spelling mistake or the Portfolio Level 2 (sub-department) selected on the import does not meet the Portfolio Level 2 (sub-departments) saved on the system, the record will still be allowed to be imported onto the system. However, the sub-department field will be empty. 
This will be determined by the users and the codes they associate with the Portfolio Level 2 (sub-department) All codes will be unique. 

Lookup (Portfolio Level 2 (sub-department) )
Portfolio Level 3
This is an indication of the Portfolio Level 3 (team) to the activity belongs to.
This value must be valid in the system. The Portfolio Level 3 (team) selected must match up with the teams saved on the system.
If there is a spelling mistake or the Portfolio Level 3(Team) selected on the import does not meet the Portfolio Level 3(Teams) saved on the system, the record will still be allowed to be imported onto the system. However, the team field will be empty.
This will be determined by the users and the codes they associate with the Portfolio Level 3(Team). All codes will be unique. 
Lookup (Portfolio Level 3(Teams)
Initiative Code
This is the code of the Initiative the Activity belongs to.

This is the code of the Initiative the Activity belongs to.

Cannot be emptyN/AN/A
Lookup (Initiatives)
Parent ActivityThe Code of the Activity that is the parent of this activityThe code must exist in the system
This is a not required field. If it is not supplied the record will be importedN/AN/AVariable Character (20)
NameThis field contains the name of the activity Names cannot be duplicated. Names can contain alphanumeric characters. Activity form names cannot be duplicated. Activity names must be unique in order for the activity to be imported.N/AN/AVariable Character (200)
WhoThis field contains the person responsible for the activity The users need to be created on the system in order to be identified as persons responsible for the activity This is a required field. If it is not supplied the record will not be importedUserN/ALookup (Users)
FromStart date for the activity to begin Calendar date, which states when the activity will begin. This will be calculated and overwritten if the activity is a parent activity.This is a required field. If it is not supplied the record will not be importedAny date.N/ADate time (YYYY-MM-DD)
ToThe end date for the activity to be completed by Calendar date, which states when the activity will end by. This will be calculated and overwritten if the activity is a parent activity.This is a required field if the activity is not a Milestone. If it is not supplied the record will not be imported. If the activity is a Milestone, this can be blank. If the activity is a Milestone, this will be ignoredAny date.N/ADate time (YYYY-MM-DD)
RevisedThe revised date for the activity to be completed byCalendar date, which states when the activity will end by If the activity is a Milestone this will be ignoredAny date.N/ADate time (YYYY-MM-DD)
Is Milestone?Indicates whether the Activity is a Milestone. If it is, only the Start Date needs to be supplied False or True False or True False or TrueFALSECheckbox (Y/N)
Task StateThis field contains the Task State of the activity The task state selected must  match up with the Task States in the systemThis field can be blank, the record will be imported. On Track \ Off Track \ At Risk \ CompletedOn TrackLookup(Task States)
PriorityWhether the activity is a priority activity or notFalse or True False or True False or TrueFALSELookup (AccessLevels)
Is ConfidentialWhether the activity is confidential or notFalse or True False or True False or TrueFALSELookup (AccessLevels)
Is LockedIndicates whether the Activity is a Locked. If it is, the End Dates will not be able to be modified from the front-end False or True False or True False or TrueFALSECheckbox (Y/N)
Percent CompleteIndicates how close to completion the Activity is, as a percentageThe field can only be a numeric value between 0 and 100N/AN/A0Numeric (whole numbers)
LevelSpecifies the hierarchy level of the activityThe field must be a number starting from 1This field can be blank, the record will be imported. Number1Comma-separated list of Variable Character (20)
PredecessorsThe activities that are predecessors of this activityMust be an activity that already exists in the system or is contained in this sheet. The activities must be represented as a comma-separated listThis field can be blank, the record will be imported. Comma-separated listN/AComma-separated list of Variable Character (20)
TagsThis field contains tag name/s of the activity Tag names length must be greater than  3 and cannot be duplicated. Tag name can contain alphanumericThis field can be blank, the record will be imported. Comma-separated listN/AVariable Character (255)