
These are the changes coming with version 2.5.

Note: The team is constantly improving the general performance of the system.

New Features: 

  • Cash Flow and Investment Evaluation: A new Cash Flow page has been added to each initiative/idea, featuring both Cash Flow and Investment Evaluation tables. The Cash Flow table now serves as a consolidated replacement for the previous One-Off Benefits and One-off Cost tables on the Idea Benefit($) page. Additionally, the Investment Evaluation table enables the calculation of NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return), and Payback Periods, utilizing data from the Cash Flow table.

  • Enhanced Value Hound VDT Functionality: The Value Hound VDTs now support a structure where Parent VDTs can have multiple linked Child VDTs. The 'References' link on the VDT canvas will indicate the number of times a VDT has been referenced or linked.
  • Custom Target Display on KPI Charts: We've extended the display of Custom Targets on KPI Charts to include visibility in VDTs, Dashboards, RARs, and Meetings, ensuring comprehensive tracking across all platforms.
  • Bulk Ideas API Updates: The Bulk Ideas API has been expanded to allow for the extraction of Cancelled and Archived ideas/initiatives, facilitating better data management and analysis.
  • Refined 'Top 25 Widget': The widget has been updated to display only Active, Approved, and On-Hold initiatives, with the addition of a 'Portfolio' column to enhance data visibility and organization.
  • Administration Page Visual Updates: The following Administration pages have undergone a facelift to improve visual coherence and usability: Meeting Targets, Meeting Quality, RAR Targets, RAR Compliance Rules, Stages, KPI Types, Idea Sources, Idea Review Questions, Severities, and Risk Types


For version 2.5.9 (released 06/05/2024)

  • We've bolstered our login security by incorporating email-based Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for users. This critical enhancement adds an additional layer of protection by verifying user identities through a secondary confirmation step, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access and enhancing the overall safety of user accounts (This feature will be turned on for all users in the 2.6 release).

Bug fixes: 

  • Addressed a bug that previously hindered the construction of dashboards under certain conditions.
  • Corrected a problem where VDT nodes failed to save when decimals were set to zero or left blank.
  • Fixed an issue where the Performance page for ideas/initiatives was not visible to users despite having the necessary permissions and access.
  • Resolved inconsistencies where configured date formats were not being uniformly applied throughout the system.
  • Improved the KPI Actuals and KPIs Excel export feature to accurately reflect the 'Measurement Types' options.
  • Addressed an issue preventing group icons on the Organisational Structure from updating.
  • Fixed a bug where the KPI widget erroneously showed the last update as '1 year ago.'
  • Rectified a problem where attempting to export KPIs resulted in an error message.
  • Solved a challenge in the Cumulative Benefit report where filtering on a child object, including descendants, prevented the report from generating pipeline targets.

For version 2.5.9 (released 06/05/2024)

  • Fixed a problem causing errors to appear in the Bulk Data Idea API.
  • Corrected a malfunctioning link in Action emails received by owners.