The values displayed in the pipeline summary report are calculated as follows in reference to the applied filters and Idea timelines.

  • EoM Target - This value is calculated by summing up all the Monthly pipeline targets that fall within the specified filters per Stage for the selected Month.

  • MTD Actual - This is calculated by summing up all Idea values that fall within the specified filters per stage, automatically excludes Ideas that do not have a value.

  • EoM Forecast - This is calculated by summing up all Idea values based on their expected end of the Month stage, these values are per stage.

  • MTD Deficit - This is the difference between the EoM Target and the MTD Actual as determined above. (EoM Target - MTD Actual).

  • EoM Deficit - This is the difference between the EoM Target and the EoM Forecast as determined above. (EoM Target - EoM Forecast).

  • Next Month EoM Target - This value is calculated by summing up all the Monthly PIPeline target values that fall within the specified filters per Stage for next Month.

  • Next Month EoM Forecast - This is calculated by summing up all Idea values based on their expected Next Month stage grouped per stage.

  • Next Month EoM Deficit - This is the difference between next month EoM Target and next month EoM Forecast as determined above. (EoM Target - EoM Forecast).