The KPI Chart screen displays the KPI data in a chart and provides an overview of the performance in the table.

Click the Ellipses (  ) icon on the top right of the screen to navigate to other screens related to the KPI.

The values are displayed with their unit of measure. i.e Percentage(0.2 * 100 = 20%)

The status colour(emoticons) is determined by the following:

  • Green – when the KPI is meeting its targets that is the variance is positive.
  • Amber – When there’s a warning level specified for that KPI and the variance percentage is within the warning level.
  • Red – When the first two does not occur, that is the KPI does not meet its targets and not within the warning level.

The chart and performance data represent the selections made in the filter at the bottom. Remember to click the Filter (  ) icon to update the chart and data.

This is how a controlled chart is displayed, the region is divided into Amber, Green and Red colors and the actual will fall within the respective region compared to the target.