If you select the Value Driver Tree icon on the side Navigation Menu, you will enter a page that contains all the available VDTs. These are organized in a tree-like structure of nested folders for ease of organization and navigation.

1. VDT Folders are displayed in this section. Clicking on a specific folder updates the list of VDTs (5)

2. Opens the New Folder dialog / Create VDT Page

4. Deletes the currently selected folder – A confirmation dialog will be shown to confirm this action – Only empty folders can be deleted – If there are VDTs in the folder, an appropriate error message will be displayed

5. Displays the list of VDTs in the currently selected folder. Clicking on the VDT Name or Description opens the VDT Display Page

6. Opens the Edit Folder / Edit VDT pages

To add a VDT inside a Folder, you will need to click on the Folder and Click the Add button highlighted Red above.

  • An existing VDT can be copied and renamed by clicking the button highlighted Blue above.

  1. The name that will be displayed for the folder
  2. The Description for the folder
  3. The parent folder
    • Nested folder hierarchies are separated by a forward-slash
    • The empty entry means that this will be a top-level folder without any parent
  4. Creates the new folder/Saves the changes to the existing folder