The Goal Seek report attempts to determine what the value of each individual KPI input would need to be in order to reach a certain VDT output value. Depending on the expressions in the VDT, it may or may not be possible to reach the target value by adjusting a certain KPI’s input value. In the case where a goal cannot be reached, no values will be displayed for that KPI in the grid.

  1. The selected field’s values will be used as the base values for the report
  2. The Target Value will be used as a goal for the output of a VDT. Individual KPI values will be adjusted in order to reach the given output value
  3. Re-runs the report using the current input values
  4. This column indicates the calculated optimal value per KPI in order to get as close to the target output value as possible
  5. This column shows the VDT outcome value that would be attained, should the value from the previous column be applied