The enhancements in PiPware 20193.0 include the following:
- Localisation: We are continually updating our localization keys in PIPware to cater for an array of languages and regions.
- Menu icons: The size has been increased for visibility purposes.
- Date pickers will adjust based on the specified week start day, showing the first day of the week accordingly, this setting is found in the Administration > Site Page.
- When adding a KPI on the KPIs dashboard widget all the currently selected KPIs are highlighted from the displayed Grid to avoid duplications.
- The originator column has now been added to all Action pages, this is hidden by default where a column picker is available.
- A user can now subscribe to emails for Actions when they have been added, modified or deleted if they are the owner and or originator.
- Ability to mark a completed action as incomplete from the Action widget on the dashboard.
Idea Workplan
- When adding a new Actionin the Idea Workplan, it will no longer be randomly added to the list. It will either go below the currently selected Action or the position can be selected in the Add Action dialog. If none of the above, the Action is added to the end of the list.
- The options for adding Actions from Ideas and previous RARs have been combined into one option: Automatically Add Actions.
- All Actions mapped from other modules are now combined into one section called Other Actions, which will be displayed on both Last Actions and Next Actions.
- Meetings: On the capture meetings page, functionality has now been added to create an ad-hoc meeting. This is a meeting not linked to a meeting definition.
- When creating a new Meeting, if a meeting start date is in the past, the system now creates Meeting instances for all Meetings that have taken place within the last week.
Capability Building
- Capability Building: Engagement Targets can now be filtered by course.
- PIPware PMO module is constantly updated to ensure it meets all requirements for Project Management. Contact [email protected] to request more information or to be put in touch with a PIP consultant for a demo.