
The enhancements in PIPware 20192.2 include the following:


• Tags are now included within the ideas export; these tags can also be imported
• Ideas export now includes the revised dates
• Themes set up now available within the Sites admin page. A user can upload images that are used within PIPware. A new logo introduced at the top when downloading a Meeting report.
• Idea benefits calculation page now has tooltips to provide additional information
• The idea title is now included in all pages within an idea.
• The ability to add ad-hoc participants to a meeting. These participants do not need to be a user on PIPware
• We have included the ability to configure the columns for all Action tables within Meetings and RARs
• Meeting actions can now be included within a RAR.


• Fixed an issue where a Workflow question did not display correctly when there is no Resource Key specified
• Fixed bug where KPI targets were missing within an export
• Resolved the issue where deleted actions were still being included within downloads and exports
• Fixed the issue where meeting instances were being duplicated
Some other minor bugs that were identified from our previous release has also been fixed.