The following enhancements and fixes are now available in PiPware 2018.3.0:
Web Browser Related Issues: Resolved an issue where some users were not able to see menu icons on Internet Explorer.
Performance and other Improvements:
- Improvements have been made to the performance of the background job scheduler.
- Various minor bug fixes and general performance/usability improvements across the application.
Links to RARs and Ideas: Added a link to access RARs and Ideas from the KPI edit screen.
KPI Target Line: New Site Setting has been added to allow/disallow the target line to persist if no target has been set for a period.
Idea Actions: Add support for Idea action attachments.
Gating Plan: Resolved an issue where the gating plan stage colors did not match version 1.
Workflows: The text area is now disabled if the workflow has been approved.
Delegations: Resolved an issue where delegates were not receiving emails for workflow checklists.
Pipeline by Department: Resolved an issue where the order of the columns were inverted.
Results Action Reviews
RAR Questions: Restored the availability of RAR questions to the reviewee regardless of whether the RAR is archived or not.
RAR Download:
- Resolved an issue where the download was displaying the start date of the interval, instead of the end date.
- Resolved an issue where the download was not including the correct RAR section user selections.
- Download now includes the reviewee’s last Quality questions as well.