
The enhancements in PiPware 2.0 include the following:


New User Interface: We have implemented a new improved layout which is more modern and user-friendly. The menu navigation has been moved to a collapsible sidebar on the left of the application.

Standard Toolbar:

  • Page actions have been moved from the bottom left to the top right of the screen for easier access and consistency across all pages.
  • The primary action button is highlighted for easy accessibility.
  • The “submenu” dropdown buttons have been replaced by three vertical ellipses to the far right of the toolbar.

Integration with Microsoft Power BI: We have enabled the integration of PIPware CI with the Power BI application from Microsoft which enables interactive data visualization and expands the level of custom reporting available to PIPware users. For more information on Power BI please refer to the web page here: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/

Uploads: This is a new section in PIPware CI, which allows users to centrally store any documents.

User Access: We have expanded the access control on ideas and KPIs to allow for department and sub-department level user access.

Idea Gating Stages: We have made the idea stages customizable – the names of ideas pipeline stages can now be customized to suit client needs.

Action Tracking

Import/Export Actions: Added the ability to export actions, change them and then import those changes back into PIPware making bulk changes much easier.

Outstanding Actions: Added a report to view outstanding actions.


Multiple dashboards per user: Each user can now set up multiple dashboards with multiple widgets and change between these as required.

Customizable Widgets: Users can customize their dashboards by adding, removing and editing the content of widgets. These include ideas, actions, KPIs, outstanding and pending approvals and external links.

Results Action Reviews

RAR Administrator: We have added “RAR Administrator” permission to the system. An admin user with this permission is now able to search for and edit any RAR on the system.

Customizable Reports: RAR reviewees can now add the reports that they need for their RAR, and specify the report criteria.

Tagging: “Tags” can be added to RARs which enhances the search functionality.


Global Access Level: Added global access level to KPIs so that any user (irrespective of their access level) can view the KPI.

Calculated KPIs: Added functionality where the values of a KPI can be calculated using values of other KPIs already in the system.

Weekly Target Frequency: Added the ability to capture KPI targets at weekly intervals.

Control Chart KPIs: This is a new KPI chart type added to PIPware to display control charts. Value ranges are set up to define green, amber and red zones for KPI values.

Tagging: “Tags” can be added to KPIs which enhances the search functionality.


Idea Display: Added an idea display screen which provides an overview of the idea. Users no longer need to go to the idea edit form to view an idea.

Idea Fields: Custom fields have been replaced with idea fields, which include the system-defined fields. Administrators can disable and reorder the idea fields.

Idea Dashboard: Added a new screen that shows an overview of the idea, including stage timelines, actions, risks, financial performance, and related KPIs.

Global Access Level: Added global access level to Ideas so that any user (irrespective of their access level) can view the idea.

Tagging: “Tags” can be added to ideas that enhances search functionality.

Workflows: Moved checklists and idea approvals into central workflows functionality. An administrator can configure the checklist questions, approval requirements, and approval prerequisites of the workflow.

Staggered Approvals: The workflow can be configured to automatically stagger the approvers for approval. For example, if there are three users required for approval, the system can send the approval to the first user, then only the next users once the first user has approved.

Improved Gating Plan: The idea gating plan includes a powerful Gantt chart that combines the idea stage and actions into one view. Users can toggle the Gantt chart view between weekly and monthly views.

Improved idea VDT functionality:

  • The user interface of the idea VDT has been changed to be in line with site VDT.
  • Users are now able to zoom, pan and collapse/expand VDT nodes.
  • The user can also specify the expression of the parent node so that more powerful calculations can be applied.

Value Driver Trees

User interface: The user of VDTs has been updated and improved.

Access Control: Access to site VDTs can be configured using user role permissions like Idea and KPI access.

Node Status Colouring: Added the ability to color-code the nodes in the VDT to visually indicate which nodes are not meeting the specified target values.


Cumulative Benefits: Added the ability to include EBIT and cash flow values in the Cumulative Benefits report.

Benefit Dashboard: Added a new report that provides a high-level overview of the actions, benefit delivery and KPI performance of Ideas.

Benefit Contribution: Added a new report that provides an overview of the run rate and cumulative benefit delivery per department.

Improved Filtering: Added the ability to filter report data by individual ideas and/or tags wherever applicable. This allows the user to drill down to individual idea/idea group level where needed.

Corporate Reports: Added additional reports to compare the ideas pipeline and benefits across multiple sites.