The enhancements in PiPware 20201.0 include the following:
- Added the ability to import KPIs and specify to display the baseline as a line.
- Added Idea access sheet on the Ideas excel download.
- Added ability to configure a Weighted KPI( please ensure there is a KPI linked that will be used for the calculation.)
- In Excel, the weighted calculation will be SUMPRODUCT(grade,tonnes_mined)/SUM(tonnes_mined).
- Added support for text formating on the Idea PDF download. i.e List formatted items.
- Added auditing of the Idea access with the removal of items especially Risk and Stakeholders.
- Added the ability to sort items displayed on the Outstanding Approvals and Pending Approvals Dashboard Widgets.
- Added a sider on the VDT that can be used to re-run the benefits for previous Months.
- This allows you to re-run the VDT up to six months back.
- This allows you to re-run the VDT up to six months back.
- Moved all Template Rules and Samples to our Support Portal.
- Added the ability to run the RAR Compliance and Quality report on a Department level.
- This only reports on the first level.
- Added the ability to delete linked Actions when an Idea or Initiative is deleted
- Meetings: Added more filters on the Meetings widgets.
- Meetings: Added the ability for a meeting to be marked as Cancelled.
- A canceled meeting is excluded from all meeting reports.
- PMO: Enhanced the Dashboard Activities widget to return all activities when there's no filter selected.
- PMO: Added the ability to filter the Workplan by Initiative Definition.
- PMO and Meetings: Added the ability to assign an Activity/Action to a user, not in PIPware.
- Fixed issue with the delayed update of the Idea On-Track status when a workflow is Approved.
- Fixed issue with the error message when you import a KPI and the Target frequency is not specified.
- Fixed issue with RAR KPI 3 month Average not calculating correctly.
- Fixed issue with Idea Tracking start Date
- Fixed RAR actions access issue on the Oustanding Actions Report.
- Fixed issue with Delegates not being able to Reject Workflows.
- Fixed issue with KPI decimal places resetting to 0 when you filter the Chart
- Fixed issue with Approvals still being displayed whilst the Idea definitions have been updated.
- Fixed issue with Duplicate entries on the RAR Compliance and Quality report.
- Fixed issue that prevented users from being able to Add VDT nodes when a View is selected with the Status colors in Value Hound.
- Fixed issue with Idea Benefits report always displaying benefits as Red, due to the Benefits Start date not being considered.
- Fixed reordering and delete issues on Capture Meeting.
- Fixed issue with the Meetings dashboard widget not saving specified setting.
- Fixed issue with Zero targets not getting excluded when a KPI is configured not to accept Zeros.
- Meetings: Fixed issue with Meeting Actions added in Future instances getting displayed in prior meeting instances.
- PMO: Fixed issue with the number of Overdue Activities not reconciling with the PMO Idea/Initiative Workplan.
- PMO: Fixed issue with completed Activities being included in the Daily To-Do Mailer.
- PMO: Fixed issue with Activities being displayed under Other Actions in the RAR Actions section.
Some other minor bugs that were identified from our previous release has also been fixed.