Sensitivity Analysis
The Sensitivity Analysis report shows which node (Parents, input KPI or VDT) have the biggest impact on a VDT’s outcome value. It calculates this by adjusting each node value by a fixed percentage and comparing the effect this has on the VDT result to that of the other nodes.
- Variance – The percentage the fields will be varied (+ and -) by during the analysis
- Field – Which VDT field the variance will be applied to (predefined in the root folder)
Always ensure the desired view is selected as this is not always carried forward from the VDT page
- Base Value – The original values in the chosen field
- Variance Value – Base value multiplied by the variance percentage
- Delta if minus variance – Change in output KPI when the base value in the VDT is changed to (Base Value minus Variance Value)
- Delta if plus variance – Change in output KPI when the base value in the VDT is changed to (Base Value plus Variance Value)
Once you hover over a certain node sensitivity bar the cursor will change to an arrow (7) or a hand. If this is clicked it will take you to the associated VDT (arrow) or KPI graph (hand). The total impact change in the node is also displayed (8).
Attribution Analysis
Compares two fields or scenarios (e.g. actual and target) and attributes the difference between the scenario output node to the differences between the scenario input nodes.
- Control Field – The field you want to compare to or aim for (usually target or baseline fields). The base value for the calculations
- Analysis Field – what happened instead (usually baseline or actual fields). The applied value in the calculations
- Delta Percentage (dashed black line) - The difference in the scenario nodes
- Total Impact – The difference in scenario output nodes
- Impact – The portion of the total impact the input KPI is responsible for
The associated VDTs or input KPIs can be accessed by clicking on the Item name or the associated attribution bar on the graph.