In This Article


Access the Workplan Menu

Workplan Menu

Next Steps


Use the Workplan to map out the activities that must be performed to implement the Initiative.

Access the Workplan Menu

1. On the ribbon, select Initiatives and select the idea/initiative 

2. Upon opening the initiative's screen, choose the burger menu icon located on the left side of the initiative, and then select the Workplan option.

Workplan Menu

3. Set the Initiative timeline and capture actions that will help the Idea progress.

Utilize the 1search box located on the top-left side of the screen to quickly enter an action for retrieval. On the icons located on the top-right side of the screen, you can select the option to show 2Critical Path which will highlight critical actions by displaying their bars in a different color on the workplan chart. In addition, you can change the Gantt view to 3Weeks, Months, Quarters, or Years and using the next button, and 4Expand or Collapse activities as needed for better visualization. 5Export the workplan Gantt to PDF or Excel using the export button, view the workplan in 7Full Screen and 6Filter actions based on dates or completion status for improved organization. 8Show or Hide Stages in the Workplan Gantt as required and use the options configuration to customize column visibility. Add new actions by clicking the + button in the header or add child actions by clicking the 9+Add Activity button on the relevant parent action.

4. View a summary by hovering on a workplan item.

5. To edit an action name, start date (start), end date (end), duration or owner (who), click on the field to edit and make the required changes.

Note: If you cannot see the options on the action, expand the columns to minimise the view of the Gantt chart to view all columns.

NB! Actions with children cannot be edited, the start and end dates are based on the children actions' earliestt start date and latest date.

6. Right-click an item to see the options available:

  • Indent the item marks the item as a child of the item above
  • Outdent moves the item out of the parent
  • Create an Activity
  • Edit the item
  • Delete the item
  • Escalate the action to another site
  • Mark the action as Complete

7. If an action item is overdue, it changes to red, making it easy to identify. Mark an action as complete by ticking the box and capturing the date the action was completed.

Note: Changes to the Workplan are saved automatically.

Edit an Activity

You can edit an activity by right-clicking on the activity and selecting the Edit option. This will open the Edit Activity dialogue box:

In the Edit Activity/Action dialogue box, you can input the following details: the 1. Name of the Activity/Action, 2. who it is allocated to, 3. the originator of the activity, 4. the from date, the 5. to date of the activity, and any 6. revised date if applicable. Additionally, you can 7. attach a file or folder and 8. add tags to this activity. A new feature has been added that allows you to 9. add comments to the activity as needed. You can also use the 10. check boxes to set the action as a priority or mark it as confidential, thereby limiting access to this action by other users. Once all the desired fields have been configured, click 11. Save to save your changes.

Next Steps

Now that you have an understanding of the Workplan, please refer to the following article. See article: Initiative Risks