In this article
Use the Initiative Benefit tab to enable forecasting for financial and non-financial benefits. View historical values and set estimate earnings or other data for subsequent periods.
Initiative Benefit Chart
When you have an Idea that tracks both Financial and Non-Financial benefits, you will be presented with two Benefit tabs (Benefits($) and Benefits(Non $)).
To change the months, and view previous months' benefit performance, use the month selection on the top left of the chart. |
Information can be viewed in either a Grid or Chart format and data labels can be toggled. | |
Actual Monthly Benefit - Input the monthly benefit here. If no values captured, the ongoing monthly benefit is automatically calculated. Ongoing benefit = Annualised Benefit / days in the year * days in the month. | |
Benefit duration capture, inputs are: Start Date Source:
End Date Source: If no end date is captured, the Benefit will be ongoing and the end date is indefinite.
Switching on the Annualised Benefit will always distribute the benefit over 365 days, switching this off will use the difference in days between the benefits' start and end dates. |
Download - allows you to download the benefit capture. | |
Cogs - shows options on chart display |
One-off benefit and One-off cost (Has been moved to Idea Cashflow tab)
Please note that the One-off Benefit and One-Off Cost tables have been moved to the Idea Cashflow tab. Please see the following article related to Idea Cashflow: Idea Cashflow
Investments can be captured at the bottom of the Benefits tab ((see this link on adding Investment Categories).
One-off benefits are linked to the captured Investment categories with a type of Benefit.
One-off costs are linked to the captured Investment categories with type a type of Capex or Opex.
Initiative Benefit Grid View
The Grid view is a detailed breakdown of the Idea's Benefits delivered and forecasts.
Hover over the rows name to see a tooltip giving a description of the row; calculated rows will include an expression showing how the value was derived.
The Summary Table is the summary of the monthly values; this includes the idea one-off values, ongoing benefits, target benefits, daily benefit, monthly benefit and annualized benefit.
If the idea has VDTs enabled, the VDT table which is the breakdown of the VDT in the Idea will be shown. Parent nodes will be shown in bold and can be expanded/collapsed to show children nodes.

The Cumulative Benefit table is the benefit delivered during the entire duration of the idea (Based on the benefits start date until the benefits end date).
Note: Changes to Idea Benefits are saved automatically.
Next Steps
Now that you can navigate the Initiative Benefits tab, see article Initiative Approvals.