In this article 


Setting Permissions for Emissions Management

Permission definitions


Permissions need to be configured in WiredUp to grant users the ability to perform different tasks on the platform. 

Setting Permissions for Emissions Management 

To get to the permissions setting, navigate to the Administration tab on the top menu bar.

Under Systems, click on Roles
WiredUp will display the Roles pageOn this page, click on the role that you want to give permissions to. 
WiredUp will display the settings for the specific role you selected.

Click on the Emissions Administration drop-down and it will display all the permissions a user can be granted.

Select the applicable permissions that need to be granted to the user. 

Permission definitions 

Manage Global Emissions Targets Allow the user to administer global emissions targets 
Manage Site Emissions Targets Allow the user to administer site emissions targets
Define Fuel Types and Fuel Combustions Allow the user to create Fuel Types and their associated Fuel Combusted names  
Update the Fuel Types, Emissions Factors and Energy Content Factor fields Allow the user to update values for Fuel type, Emissions Factors and Energy Content Factor fields 
Manage Emissions Activities Allow the user to administer emissions activities 
Allow to Input/Import Consumption Forecast DataAllow the user to input/import consumption forecast data 
Import Emissions Activities Allow the user to import emissions activities 
Import Emissions Fuel Types Allow the user to import fuel types
Define Grid Electricity Location Name Allow to Define Grid Electricity Location Name
Change Grid Electricity FactorsAllow to Change Grid Electricity Factors
Allow Import Consumption Actuals Data Allow to Import Consumption Actuals Data (This also includes the Baseline Field)
Allow to Capture/Edit Consumption Actuals Data Allow to Capture/Edit Consumption Actuals Data (This also includes the Baseline Field)
View Emission Data across Sites Allow the user to view Emissions information (Activities, Scenarios and Initiative Impact), across all the sites 
Import Emissions Grid Electricity Allow the user to import emissions grid electricity 
View Emissions Management Information Allow the user to View the Emissions Module 
Manage Emissions Settings Allows the user to update all the sections in the Emissions Settings page