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Rules. (Required fields are highlighted with a Red background colour)
Field Name | Description | Rules | Exception Handling | Values to be placed | Default Values | Field Type |
Fuel Type | This field contains Emissions associated with energy and industrial production can come from Solid, Gaseous or Liquid Fuel Types | This field must contain an existing fuel type | If this field is missing, a 'field could not be found' message is displayed | N/A | N/A | Variable Character |
Fuel Combusted | This field contains the result of the chemical process of the selected Fuel Type | This field must be unique | If there are duplicate inputs, the system will import the latest value | Latest value | N/A | Variable Character (100) |
CO2 | This field contains the CO2 emissions | This field must be a numeric value | N/A | N/A | N/A | Numeric Character |
CH4 | This field contains the CH4 emissions | This field must be a numeric value | N/A | N/A | N/A | Numeric Character |
N2O | This field contains the N2O emissions | This field must be a numeric value | N/A | N/A | N/A | Numeric Character |
GJ | This field contains the energy content factor | This field is required | If this field is missing, a 'field could not be found' message is displayed | N/A | N/A | Numeric Character |
Unit | This field should contain one these units of measurement : GJ/m³, GJ/t, GJ/kL | The unit must be an existing unit | If this field is missing, a 'field could not be found' message is displayed | N/A | N/A | Variable Character |
Emissions Factor | This field contains the Emissions factor | This field is not mandatory | N/A | N/A | N/A | Variable Character |