A downloadable PDF version is available at the bottom of the page together with the Excel import template.

Rules. (Required fields are marked with a Red background colour)

CellsDescriptionRulesException HandlingValues to be placedDefault ValuesField Type
A2 and above This is the date (and time if applicable) of the KPI value captured. This field will be captured in a Date and Time format. If the date is not captured the KPI record will not be imported. It is important that the date is captured for the KPI. If the date is not attached to the date, the system will default the entry to midnight. If a KPI tracking value has two dates but does not have two times associated with it, the system will still import the data. 2013-11-14 15:43:30Date and time of importDate time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
Columns B1 and greater (C1, D1)This is the unique KPI code associated to the KPI. Each KPI will have a KPI code associated to it.The KPI code must be the same as the KPI code. This is how the KPI and the KPI tracking information will be linked to each other. The KPI code will consist of a choice of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.If the KPI code is not captured within the import sheet, the record will not be imported. It is imperative that the KPI code is captured. N/AN/AVariable Character (10)
B2/C2/B3/C7 EtcThis is the values of the KPI and will contain the data captured for the KPI. This field will be numeric. Any previous Target Value for the specified date will be overwrittenOnly numeric fields will be accepted. Non numeric characters will cause the record to not be uploaded. Any numeric numberN/AN/A