A downloadable PDF version is available at the bottom of the page together with the Excel import template.

Rules. (Required fields are marked with a Red background colour)

Field NameDescriptionRulesException HandlingValues to be placedDefault ValuesField Type
KPIThe KPI that this target value applies toThe system will lookup the KPI using the KPI Code providedIf the KPI is not found, the system will not import the target and an error will be displayed.
An error will be displayed.Lookup (KPIs)
CustomTargetThe Custom Target that this target value applies toThe system will lookups the Custom target using the name providedIf the custom target is not found, the system will not import the target and an error will be displayed.
An error will be displayed.Lookup(CustomTargets)
MonthThis is the date (and time if applicable) of the KPI value captured User can add multiple month columns. The heading of the column must be a valid date. The value of the row will be the target value for the specific date.

Date time (YYYY-MM-DD)