Rules. (Required fields are marked with a Red background colour)

Field NameDescriptionRulesException HandlingValues to be placedDefault ValuesField Type
Any Cell from Column B upwards and in row 1This is the unique Idea code associated with the Idea.The Idea code must be the same as the Idea code in the system. This is how the benefits are to the Idea. The Idea code will consist of a choice of up to 10 alphanumeric characters.If the Idea code is not captured, the record will not be imported. It is imperative that the Idea code is captured. N/AN/AVariable Character (10)
Any Cell In column A from row 2This is the date (and time if applicable) of the Idea value captured. This field must be captured in a Date and Time format. If the date is not captured the Idea record will not be imported. If a benefit date is repeated for the same Idea, these values will be summed. 2022-01-01Date and time of importDate time (YYYY-MM-DD)
Any Cell from column B upwards and from row 2These are the actual ongoing benefit amounts that will be added against the specified benefit date.This should be numeric as it is an amount. Any numeric number, with almost 18 digits before the comma i.e. 12345.1233Only numeric fields will be accepted. Non-numeric characters will cause the record to not be uploaded. Any numeric number, with almost 18 digits before the comma i.e. 12345.1233N/AN/A