The Value Hound feature includes analysis tools for Sensitivity Analysis, Attribution Analysis as well as Variance Analysis.
Sensitivity Analysis
The Sensitivity Analysis report shows which input KPI’s have the biggest impact on a VDT’s outcome value. This is calculated by adjusting each KPI value from KPI nodes by a fixed percentage and comparing the effect this has on the VDT result to that of the other KPIs.
To access the analysis, click on the Sensitivity Analysis tab.
The percentage value entered is applied to all KPIs in the VDT to determine the impact that increasing or decreasing the KPI value by this amount would have on the output value. | |
The selected field’s value will be used as the base value for impact calculations. You can click on the drop-down to view more options. | |
Runs the report using the percentage and field values entered. | |
Displays the title of the chart which includes the VDT's name as well as the percentage variance configured at the top of the chart. | |
Click these icons to Download the analysis in Excel format or configure the details of the VDT | |
Displays the Sensitivity Analysis chart which includes the VDT node names on the y-axis, the outcome values as well as the impact of the variance percentage on the VDT. Note: The red/green color coding indicates whether positive or negative percentages are applied, not the effect on the output node. | |
This table contains the variance values applied and the resulting net impact on the VDT result. Clicking on the tornado icon, the Name and Source of the KPI nodes from the table opens a pop-up of the KPI Chart. |
Attribution Analysis
The Attribution Analysis report compares the values of two fields across all KPIs to determine the impact of substituting one with the other on the VDT outcome.
To access the analysis, click on the Attribution Analysis tab.
Select the Control Field that will be used as the base value for all calculations. | |
The selected Analysis Field values will be applied one by one for each KPI to observe the impact on the VDT's output node when moving from the base (Control) value to the Analysis value for each KPI in isolation. To identify which KPIs caused us to miss or exceed the target, use the target as the Control (base) field and the actual as the Analysis Field.
| |
Run the report to update the chart and table. | |
The “Impact” series indicates the net impact of moving from the control value to the analysis value. | |
The “Delta Percentage” series indicates the difference in value between the control field and the target field, expressed as a percentage. | |
This table displays the results of the attribution analysis as well as it's outcome. Clicking on the tornado icon, the Name and Source of the KPI nodes from the table opens a pop-up of the KPI Chart. | |
Click these icons to Download the analysis in Excel format or configure the details of the VDT |
Variance Analysis
The Variance Analysis report allows the user to select individual percentage or absolute variance values per input KPI and then calculates the impact of this on the VDT outcome.
To access the analysis, click on the Variance tab.
Select the field value that will be used as the base values for the report. | |
Run the report using the current input values to generate the resulting value impact or select AutoRun to update the values after every edit. | |
The Percentage Variance or Absolute Variance can be set for each KPI using the input box on the table. After setting these, the results can be run to observe the impact of the variance. | |
The results of the variance analysis are displayed on a chart, comparing the original value to the value adjusted by the variance percentage | |
Click these icons to Download the analysis in Excel format or configure the details of the VDT |
Next Steps
For more information on importing VDT nodes, see the following article: Importing Value Driver Tree Nodes