In this article 


Configuring Electricity 

Importing Electricity Emissions Factors

Next Steps


The Electricity section contains information for Electricity Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions in each relevant location that the organisation operates in. The Grid Electricity emissions data goes up until the last Horizon year set in Settings.

Note: The Grid Electricity data needs to be manually input by the user, as electricity emissions is varied by location.

Configuring Electricity 

Navigate to Impact > Emissions, then click on the three-bar menu on the left-hand side, and then click on Electricity. 

The Electricity page will display. Users can edit and add Electricity information in line. To create a new Grid Electricity entry, start by entering the name of the location in +Add

This drop-down menu lets you filter every 10 years from the Horizons set in Settings
To create a new Electricity entry, type the location of the Electricity here, hit enter to create and input the corresponding fields
The location of the electricity grid 
Electricity emissions per year
Electricity is then split into Scope 2 and Scope 3 Emissions Factor
Click this icon to delete an existing Electricity entry

When making changes for the first time, a dialogue box will appear for you to provide a reason for changing the data. Enter your reason and hit Confirm. 

Note: Electricity types are note shared between sites. Each site must enter/import and maintain their own types and factors.

Warning: Electricity fuel type will not display on the Scenario Grid if the source site (the site where the Electricity type has been created in) does not have values.

Importing Electricity Emissions Factors

Electricity factors can also be imported as detailed in Importing data for Emissions Management

Next Steps

Now that you have entered Electricity emissions data, the next step is to configure operational Activities.