The system provides the ability for a user to do an Idea Custom Fields only Import that will create or update an Idea Custom Fields values.

Note this is an Administration functionality and it is controlled by a permission called Import Idea Custom Fields, see the image below: Administration > Roles > Select a Role > Assign the Permission.

A template to use as a reference is located on. Administration > Imports > Templates, on the displayed list after clicking Templates you can then click on the Idea Custom Fields to download the Excel template to use.

See the Rules Below governing the Import per Custom Field type:

Custom Field column headers must be prefixed with the word 'CustomField' followed by the name of the custom field, ie: for a custom field named Category, the column header name must be: 'CustomFieldCategory' remove all spaces and special characters.

  • For Text, Number and Dropdown list custom field types - The Value specified must be the exact value shown in the form  
  • For a Checkbox custom field - The value must be either True or False. false = unchecked, true = checked. 
  • For a Date Custom field - The value must be a valid date, specified in any date format.
  • For a Multi-Select Custom Field - The value can specify a single value alternatively multiple values separated by a comma. i.e. Budget, Invest.

This functionality only updates the CustomField values of the Custom Fields that are specified on the Import file.