In This Article


Calendar View

Series View

Next Steps:


You can manage the view of the Meetings screen through the use of the icons located at the top-right side of the screen. These icons appear as follows:

Calendar View

In Calendar view, you can switch between Calendar view or Series view.

Series View

These additional icons appear when you switch to Series view:

  • Active Only vs All: Show only the active meetings or both active and inactive.
  • Compact vs Details: This expands all the cards to show more details.

Calendar View

The Calendar view of Meetings offers multiple viewing options: Agenda view provides a list of all meetings per day alongside their allocated agendas, Day view shows meetings for the selected day, Week view displays meetings scheduled for the week, and Month view displays all meetings scheduled for the month. Navigation arrows on the top-left side of the screen enable users to move to the next time slot, while clicking the calendar icon on the time period specified allows selection of a preferred date.

On the Monthly view, you can reschedule a meeting by dragging and dropping the meeting instance at the desired future date and time. You can also view the meeting card by clicking on the meeting instance in the calendar. 

Series View

The series view displays a card view of the meetings scheduled. The following explains the functionalities on a meeting card.

Meeting Status: The status of the meeting is located to the left of the Meeting title. To obtain further information about the reason for the meeting's status, hover over the circle, and a tooltip will appear providing additional details. The following may be reasons for the meeting statuses:

  • Red statusThere are both overdue actions and outdated KPIs for the meeting instance.
  • Amber statusEither incomplete actions or outdated KPIs for the meeting instance
  • Green statusNo outstanding actions and no outdated KPIs for the meeting instance

Below the meeting title, the next scheduled meeting date and time are shown (Note: this is based on your time zone). 

The following is a short description of the icons displayed on the right side of the meeting cards:

  1. Capture: Click here to capture the meeting details for the meeting instance. For more information on Capture Meetings, please see this article: Capture Meetings
  2. Download invite: Click here to Download the invite and share it with participants.
  3. Three-dot menu: Click this menu to edit the meetings series or delete the meeting series.

The following is a short description of the icons displayed on the bottom of the meeting cards:

  1. Show more: expands to show more details of the meeting. Hover on the icons located on the left of each item to display the details of the Purpose, Payoff, preparation, Process and Participants (the 5Ps) on the meeting item. Click on Show Less to display the meeting card back in Compact view.
  2. Category: meetings can be divided into categories. These categories are set/edited on Administration > Meeting Categories 
  3. Frequency: displays the meeting's occurrence as either daily, weekly or monthly
  4. Organiser: displays the Avatar, if available, of the meeting organiser.

You need to be a Meeting Administrator to be able to View and make changes to a meeting.

Next Steps:

Click on the following link to view how to Capture a Meeting: Capture Meetings