Adding a new Field

  1. Click on the VDT to display the new Field or View, then Click on VDT Definition as displayed on the image below. Alternatively, you can access this via Administration (Administration > VDT Definition).
  2. Under Settings, click on +Add to type the name of the new field. 
  3. You can then capture a Reference for the new field and select the Type (Baseline, Actual, Target etc.)
    • Period - Here you can select how you want the new field to be calculated from a KPI perspective. e.g The above uses custom which provides the ability to specify a date range. Once complete, click Save.

  4. Click Save to save the VDT Definition.

The above will help to successfully add a new field

Adding a new View

  1. Click on the VDT that needs to display the new View, then Click on VDT Definition as displayed on the image below. Alternatively, you can access this via Administration (Administration > VDT Definition).
  2. Navigate to the Views section and click on the Configure icon of an existing item you would like to configure. 
  3. To add a new VDT view, you can click +Add to add a new view.

  4. Alternatively, you can click VDT Definition as displayed on the image in 1. or you can access this via Administration (Administration > VDT Definition)
  5. After adding the Name, you can click the Configure icon to select the nodes to add to this View. Once Complete, click Save.

  6. Remember to click Save to save the changes made to the VDT.

The above will help to successfully add a new view