You can only manually capture Monthly benefits for an Idea on a Site that is configured not to use VDTs. Otherwise, all values are generated from the benefit produced by the VDT.


In order to turn the setting on or off, you will need to navigate to Administration > Settings. The setting is called Use VDT. 

  • When checked all Ideas will derive their benefits from the specified VDTs.
  • When unchecked the system will allow you to capture an Idea Value and also manually capture Monthly benefits.

E.g. The benefit for March 2021 is manually captured as per the image below.

On the Benefit Grid view, the value above will be displayed as-is for the Month. e.g. I captured 255 000 as the benefit for March.

It is important to note that once you manually capture benefits, this will need to be the case for all other months for that Idea.