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Setting up User Access

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Configure user access to regulate who can view, modify, or utilize resources within WiredUp.

Setting up User Access

Note: A user should have administration access/permission to accomplish this.

To grant or restrict data access to a user, please follow these steps:

Step 1:

After logging into the platform, navigate to the Administration module in the top ribbon.

Step 2:

This will open the Administration screen. In the System section, click on Users.

Step 3:

Click the 'Setup User Access' icon on the User you want to grant this data access.

Step 4:

This will open the User Access screen. To select which data access should be given or limited to the user, click on the tick boxes under each permission. 

To add a site to the user permissions, click on +Add button at the bottom of the existing sites then select the sites on the drop down list.

Step 5:

To delete permissions given to the user , you can click the Delete icon as shown below.

Create and Edit a User

Role Access Data

System Administration Settings