In this article


Configuring Activities

Next steps


The Activities section contains all activities conducted by the organisation that have carbon emissions potential. It maps the activities to its corresponding site (Organisational Structure), which Scenario it applies to, and the applicable Fuel Types that are used in the activity. 

Configuring Activities

Navigate to Impact > Emissions, click on the three-bar menu on the left-hand side, and then select Activities.

The Activities page will display. Users can edit and add Activity information in line. To create a new Activities entry, start by entering the name of the Activity in +Add.


To create a new Activities entry, type the name of the activity here, hit enter to create and input the corresponding fields
The activity name 
The site and department that the activity occurs in. This is sourced from the Organisational Structure.
The emissions scenario (from Scenario Planning) that each activity applies to
The description of the activity 
The fuels that apply to each activity (drop-down menu with options of Fuel Type or Electricity Type
Click this icon to delete an existing activity

Next steps

Now that you have updated your Activities list, you have finished configuring the Emissions Management module.