In This Article


Viewing the Marginal Abatement Cost Curve chart

Viewing the Marginal Abatement Cost Curve table

Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and Commercial Readiness Index (CRI)

MACC Chart Recalculation

Next Steps


The Marginal Abatement Cost Curve displays all Initiatives that meet the criteria to be included in Emissions (see this article for more details: Enabling an Initiative for Emissions) and in the Evaluating stage of the initiative pipeline. 

It can be used to compare the carbon abatement benefit that an initiative is forecasted to deliver against the marginal abatement cost of the initiative calculated as the Financial Net Present Value (NPV) of the Initiative, divided by the Discounted Sum of all benefits per year or NPV/sum(discounted t CO2-e per year).

The Marginal Abatement Cost Curve (MACC) will only appear if the Investment Evaluation feature is turned on. For further information on this and how to calculate the Idea Investment Evaluation (NPV), read more here - Idea Investment Evaluation.

Note: The calculation of future Emissions can be discounted or not discounted (default). This is configured in the Emissions Settings menu (please see this article: Settings)

If discounted is enabled, the discount value used is the value entered under:
PortfolioConfigurationSettingsInvestment Evaluation for accounts with the Portfolio module enabled. 
AdministrationOrganisational Structure > Settings > Investment Evaluation for accounts without the Portfolio module enabled.

Navigate to Impact > Emissions, then click on the three-bar menu on the left-hand side, then click on Marginal Abatement Cost Curve.

Viewing the Marginal Abatement Cost Curve chart

Shows the filter options selected on the filter pop-out window. These filters can be edited by clicking on the filter icon displayed on the top-right corner of the screen.

You can filter the MACC chart and table based on these available options (Note: clicking on the 'i' icon displays more information on the available filter options)

Hierarchy, Emissions Scopes and TRL (Technology Readiness Level)
Displays when the Marginal Abatement Cost was most recently calculated
Filter the measurement used to display the emission volume
Each point on the chart shows the measurement and scope for each initiative used
Hover over any point on the chart to view a pop up showing further information on each initiative
Icons to refresh, download view the audit log or filter the MACC chart and table.

Viewing the Marginal Abatement Cost Curve table

On the bottom of the MACC page, you can view information regarding the initiatives used in chart.

Displays if the initiative is active or not, the tick box can be used to activate and deactivate an initiative
The colour used to identify the initiative on the chart
Displays the initiative name. The initiatives below can be collapsed and expanded by site.
Shows the site and department the initiative is associated with 
Displays the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of the initiatives
Displays the associated Commercial Readiness Index (CRI) based on the TRL selected on the initiatives
Displays the Annual Scope 1 Benefit of an initiative, if applicable
Displays the Annual Scope 2 Benefit of an initiative, if applicable
Displays the Annual Scope 3 Benefit of an initiative, if applicable
Displays the sum of the initiative's Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions
Displays the Total Potential Abatement, which represents the total amount of emissions reduction that can be achieved through various abatement measures at different costs.
Displays the Net present value, which is the sum of all future cash flows over the initiative's lifetime, discounted to the present value
Displays the Marginal Abatement Cost, which is used to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of different emissions reduction strategies.

Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and Commercial Readiness Index (CRI)

Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and Commercial Readiness Index (CRI) are frameworks used to assess the maturity and readiness of technologies at reducing emissions and promoting sustainability.

You can use the filter on the MACC page to filter for the initiatives based on their TRL and CRI level. These details are set up on the Initiative Overview page on the initiative. The CRI filter is activated once you have selected the TRL filter and the options displayed on the CRI filter are based on the option selected on the TRL filter. 

Selecting these filters impact the MACC chart and the MACC table as follows:

  1. The MACC chart will be recalculated, and the values updated to include initiatives based on the TRL and CRI filters selected. The legend will also be updated to include all the CRI options included in the TRL option (if no specific CRI option has been selected from the filter).

  2. On the MACC table,
        - the table will display the initiatives that meet the filter options selected
        - the initiatives displayed are grouped according to the 1color grouping on the legend

Note: The TRL field has to be at least selected on the Initiative Overview page for the initiative to be displayed on MACC. Note that the CRI filter cannot be selected if there is no TRL selected

MACC Chart Recalculation

The following scenarios will cause the MACC chart to recalculate: 

  • a daily automatic system trigger that is activated only once the user has visited the MACC page.
  • Upon changing the 'Stop forecasting Initiatives at' Emissions Setting (Currently only effects per site). Please note that it could take 30 minutes to complete the recalculation of all initiatives.

  • When changes are made to values on the selected initiative's Forecast page.
  • When clicking the 'Calculate' button on the Investment Evaluation table within the initiative's Cash Flow page.

  • When the user updates the Emissions Annualized Value on the initiative Overview page for a selected initiative in Manual Capture

Once any of the above scenarios have been updated (except for the daily automatic system trigger), the MACC will display a 'Calculation in Progress' note at the top of the chart after any of the above scenarios have been updated. 

 Once the MACC recalculation is complete, a 'MACC Recalculation Completed' notification will be displayed.

The changes made will also be displayed on the notification panel, showing the username of the person who made the update, as well as the reason for the update.

Note: The initiatives selected must already meet the Emissions display criteria and be showing in the MACC table. 

Next Steps

Now that you have reviewed the Marginal Abatement Cost Curve, you can navigate to Forecast and Initiative Impact to view the emission results.