In this article


Annualised Value



Benefit Duration

Annualise Benefit

Next Steps


Idea/Initiative benefits are calculated monthly based on the inputs configured in the Idea/Initiative. To accurately calculate benefits, the Idea/Initiative must be configured correctly. This article explains that should be configured to ensure that benefits are calculated.

Annualised Value

The Idea/Initiative's Annualised Value defines the value that the Idea/Initiative is estimated (planned) to deliver on an annual basis. See How to configure an Idea/Initiative Annualised Value for how to set it up.


Benefits are calculated by the Idea/Initiative VDT and require the VDT to be set up correctly. See Idea VDT for more on how to set up a VDT. Also, see How to use variable baselines and targets on an Idea/Initiative VDT for how to use variable baselines and targets.


If the Idea/Initiative is configured to not use a VDT and the Annualised Value is entered manually, then the Annualised Benefit will be the same as the Annualised Value. 


The workplan defines the start and end dates for each of the phases in the improvement pipeline and therefore requires that start and end dates are configured for each phase. Navigate to Workplan and set the start and end dates of the phases.

Benefit Duration

Benefit duration defines when the Idea/Initiative will start and end calculating benefits. Without this set, the Idea/Initiative will not calculate benefits. Navigate to the Benefit page and click on the stopwatch icon to the right above the chart to set the Benedit duration dates.

Annualise Benefit

The Annualise Benefit checkbox will determine whether the Annualised Benefit is calculated using 12 months or using the full benefit duration. See What do the terms used in an Idea/Initiative mean? for how it is calculated.

Next Steps

Now that your Idea/Initiative is configured correctly, ensure that the KPIs that you use in the VDT has up to date values. See KPI Values for more information.