In this article:




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The following article is a more detailed overview on the Configuration Screen Section. This configuration screen appears on a site level portfolio hierarchy on a PMO instance.

The Details tab allows the user to configure a portfolio for the specific site. While the Configuration tab allows the user to configure site settings for the current site that they are logged into.


  1. Settings
    Upon opening the settings section, the following screen is shown as below. You can configure General settings, KPI, RAR, Initiative, Reports and Investment Evaluation by clicking on the drop-down located on the right side of the screen.
  2. Password Policy
    Edit and/or create the password policy of the portfolio by configuring the below options:

    Note: If your password policy is weak, an alert will show suggesting you to add more policy requirements to strengthen your password policy

  3. Unavailability
    You can input dates and a reason for an unavailability of a portfolio. You can add more unavailable date intervals by clicking on the +Add button on the top corner of the right side of the screen.
  4. Theme
    You can configure the preferred theme of the platform by selecting the color and logo options.


  1. Sequences
    Click on this setting to add, delete or edit a sequence of a portfolio.
  2. Sequence Assignment
    You can edit the sequence assignment in the following settings section by clicking the drop-down arrows on each field.
  3. Custom Targets
    You can add, edit and delete a custom target and edit the color of that target in the Custom Target screen as below.

  4. Calendars
    Select the type of calendar you would like to view in your portfolios. You can also add a calendar view by selecting the +Add button on the top-right corner of the screen.

  5. Periods
    You can add, delete or configure the periods associated with the portfolio.

  6. Overview Types
    In this settings section, you can edit the RAR overview types, add it as an action or delete from the list.

  7. Power BI Reports
    You can add, remove or edit a Power BI dashboard associated with a portfolio in this setting section.

  8. User Availability
    In this section, you can add or delete a user that is unavailable for the portfolio.

Next Steps
Click on the following link to view the article on Portfolio Management Site Areas