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VDT Views

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On Value Hound, you have the option to view the VDTs in multiple views. These views are configured on VDT Views within the VDT Definition. 

To access these views, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. When creating a new VDT Definition, select the Views icon from the side-bar menu.

  2. On an existing VDT, select the VDT Definition icon then navigate to the Views icon from the side-bar menu

VDT Views

Once the Views option has been selected from the menu, the following screen will be displayed:

The Names of the added views will be displayed under the name column
The Fields column displays the selected fields that will be displayed on the VDT nodes. These fields are selected on the Configure settings (see point 3)
Select the Configure icon to select the fields to be displayed on the nodes, or the bin icon to remove the VDT view from the list.

Upon selecting the Configure icon, you will be presented with the following screen:
  • Select the fields to add to the view from the Fields you can add section
  • Once the fields are added, they will be displayed on the Fields you've added section
  • For the Node Status calculation, at least one Actual and one Target field must be selected on the checkbox for the purposes of calculating the status of the node
  • Once complete, click Save
To add a new view, click on the +Add section and enter the name of the new view
Once configured, click Save

Once your VDT views have been set up, the VDTs can be viewed once you select the VDT view from the drop-down list of the VDT page

Add a new VDT Definition

Adding a Value Driver Tree