The tracking section on a RAR calculates the compliance of the reviewees as a hierarchy for the current user. The hierarchy is built by selecting the RARs for which the current user is a reviewer, then recursively selecting the RARs using each reviewee as the reviewer. The hierarchy also includes all RARs for which the current user is a reviewee.

The periods displayed are calculated using the following fields defined in Client Settings:

  • RAR - Review Interval Days - The number of days that each interval covers, default = 7 days.
  • RAR - Tracking Interval Count - The number of previous intervals to display from the RAR review date, default = 6.

The colours displayed for each period are defined as follows:
  • Red - When the RAR has not been created or when the RAR meeting did not take place.
  • Amber 
    •  If a RAR has been created, the meeting took place but the RAR has not been distributed(emailed or downloaded) as yet.

    • If for the current week a RAR has not been created the system will mark it as Amber until the end of the week since the reviewees have until the end of the week to create a RAR.
  • Green - RAR was distributed and the meeting took place.

The compliance by period is then calculated by taking all the RARs in the period and calculating the result using the RAR tracking status. The RAR compliance status is weighted according to the following values defined in client settings:
  • RAR - Tracking Status Weight: Green - The weighting to apply to a RAR Green tracking status, default = 100.
  • RAR - Tracking Status Weight: Amber - The weighting to apply to a RAR Amber tracking status, default = 50.
  • RAR - Tracking Status Weight: Red - The weighting to apply to a RAR Red tracking status, default = 0.

As an example, if a period has 3 RARs, 2 Green and 1 Amber tracking status, then the compliance for the period will be: 2 x 100 (Green) + 1 x 50 (Amber) = 250 / 3 = 83.333% compliance. The compliance is calculated to 3 decimal places. The colours for the compliance status is also defined in client settings as:
  • RAR - Tracking Compliance Amber Level - Will display amber if the compliance percentage is below this value but greater than Red Level, default = 90.
  • RAR - Tracking Compliance Red Level - Will display red if the compliance percentage is below this value, default = 70.
  • Else if the compliance percentage is greater than or equal to Amber level, it will display green.