The Red face on the RAR is displayed when the following has not been achieved: 

  • The RAR has not met the setup RAR Compliance Rules.
  • The RAR has not been held or updated with had meeting status hence the RAR is Red on the RAR List itself and Red on the compliance report.
  • There is no RAR with a Review Date that falls within the period specified.

This is also dependent on the user RAR frequency set on the users’ profile.

e.g. The Red face displayed on 28 Aug, can be as a result of one of the following:

  • The RAR has not been held(meeting did not take place), this RAR is Red on the users’ RAR list.
  • There is no RAR for the period (22 Aug to 28 Aug), which can be caused by the following:
    • No RAR created for the period specified.
    • The user did not have his/her RARs consistently apart (7 days depending on the specified RAR frequency).
      • This causes one or more RARs to fall within the same period. Thus affecting other frequency of the following week. – If the user is supposed to have the RARs 7 days apart, but happens to have the RAR with a Review date that is not 7 days apart (depends on the user RAR frequency) from the previous RAR, This will result in the RAR Review Dates not to be the right frequency apart, hence affecting the compliance.
    • If the user was unavailable when the RAR was supposed to be held but did not set the required unavailability period.    
      • When an availability period is specified, and the user creates the next RAR. The system will always use the previous RAR to generate the new RAR’s Review Date taking into consideration the frequency and unavailability period specified.

It's in the user’s best interest to ensure that their RAR’s are always the right frequency apart, this will ensure the right compliance is generated.

If a user had the RARs not in the right frequency apart, a RAR administrator can assist in correcting the Review Dates.

  • The Administrator will have to ensure that the particular user’s RARs are the right frequency apart,
  • Also if a user inquired about a Red face, because they might have the wrong Review Date. An Administrator will need to ensure that it falls within the correct period/ Week depending on the users RAR frequency.

Please note that the right RAR creation process will have to be followed to ensure there are few modifications required.

Click on the link, how to create a new RAR.