PiPware online support:

Support widget URL: http://support.pipware.net          

Email: [email protected]

All severity medium and low issues should be logged as tickets on the support application and will be attended to by the support team during:

  • Melbourne business hours, Mon to Fri, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. GMT-5
  • South African business hours Mon to Fri, 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. GMT+2

PiPware telephone support:

The 24/7 support line should be used only by the main PiPware contact on-site, and only for severity urgent and high issues:

Please ensure that you keep support line calls strictly to the specified issues.

Australia and New Zealand number: +61 748 435 850

Rest of World Number: +27 87 550 4606