In This Article


    Configuring RAR's

    Next Steps:

For an overview about RARs, please see this article: RAR Overview

Navigating between RAR series is done from the RAR cascade menu. This is where you will see the list of your RARs, the RARs you review and create a new RAR series.

RAR Cascade - Navigate between RAR series by selecting the appropriate Reviewer or Reviewee.
RAR Instance - Navigate between different instances (or Dates) by clicking on the date and selecting a RAR instance from the drop down - see the screenshot and additional note below*.

RAR AreasNavigation between sections can be done by selecting the appropriate section from the 3-bar menu displayed. Note that the areas displayed on the menu are based on the RAR Sections selected from the Configure Series section.

Delegations - Anyone who has delegated their responsibilities to you (logged-in user) will show here. As an active delegate you will be able to manage these RARs while the delegator(s) are away.

A Reviewee may have multiple RAR's series, each with their own defined frequency and Reviewer

*Reviewers can be delegated for a RAR instance within a series. The delegate will only apply to the current RAR and the reviewer of the overall series will remain intact. In the image above, you can see the RAR dated 14/09/2020 was delegated to a user with the initials A.

Configuring RARs

The configuration of a RAR instance can now be accessed from 3-bar menu on Configure Instance section.

In this section, you can update the settings related to a single instance. If you would like to configure/update settings for the entire RAR series, select the Configure Series icon located at the top of the Configure Instance screen

*Skipping a RAR cannot be undone

For more information on RAR's and how they are used, refer to RAR Overview

Next Steps:

Click the following link to access the next article on how to create a new RAR series: Creating a new RAR series