In This Article

Overview of KPI screen

Add and/or Configure KPIs

KPI Chart

Next Steps:

Overview of KPI screen

The KPIs section within the RAR displays a list of KPIs associated with the RAR along with their current status. Situated after the Results area of the RAR instance, this section provides an overview of the KPIs added to the RAR. Each KPI card shows details such as the KPI name, owner/author, last update date, target, actual, and variance values, as well as the Performance Period for each KPI.

Add and/or Configure KPIs

Note: You can only add KPIs from the current site to the RAR series

To add a KPI to you RAR instance, click on the +Add button on the top-right corner of the screen. This will open the KPI Search pop-up screen similar to the screenshot below:

To include KPIs in your RAR, utilize the Search bar located at the top-left corner of the screen to search for KPI names or codes. Additionally, you can add KPIs based on their Portfolio or Owner. After selecting the desired KPI/s, click on the Add button located at the bottom-right corner of the screen to include them in your RAR instance.
You can configure the KPIs added to your RAR by clicking on the Configure button on the top-right corner of the screen. This will open a pop-up screen similar to the screenshot below:

On the Configure KPI screen, you can change the KPI Performance Period by clicking on the Change for this RAR tick box, which will activate the drop-down menu to select the desired performance period for the KPI. On the configure screen, you can select the bin icon to Delete the KPI from the RAR instance. You can also reorder the KPIs by dragging and dropping the KPI to the desired order as well as add KPIs by clicking on the +Add button on the top-right corner of the screen. To navigate out of the Configure KPI screen, click the same Configure button to close the screen.

KPI Chart

To view the KPI Chart of a KPI, click on the KPI card on the KPI screen of the RAR instance. This will open up the KPI chart pop-up screen similar to the screenshot below:

On the KPI chart screen, you have a view of the Baseline and Target values, as well as any of the KPI values over certain selected periods (Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly or YTD) if available. On the top-right corner of the screen, you have icons to Show Comments of the KPI, Open KPI in a new window, the option to Download the KPI as well as to Exit the screen. On the bottom-right of the screen, you can click the Next KPI button to navigate to the next KPI. For more information on how to create a KPI, please see the following article: Add a KPI

Please note: the KPI Chart performance data is calculated based on the RAR Report Date, should you need to verify the performance data with the one displayed on the KPI itself. please ensure the dates are the same. That is the Report Date and the Date on the KPI Chart.

Please see this article for more information: How can I edit a RARs review and report date.

Next Steps:

To include Ideas/Initiatives to your RAR series, please see the following article: RAR Ideas/Initiatives