In this article


Creating a new Emissions Initiative

Flagging an existing Initiative for Emissions


Initiatives can be used to execute your carbon abatement actions in order to achieve the targets that you have configured. They allow you to implement a specific improvement/business change that will reduce carbon emissions and track the progress of those changes within the same system. 

The Initiative Impact and Marginal Abatement Cost Curve charts bring Initiatives and Emission forecasts together to enable analysis of their impact on Scenarios and Investment Evaluation activities for prioritising and approving Initiatives to be implemented.

Note: Only initiatives of Idea Definition Emissions are considered in these charts.

The Emissions Module implements a new Initiative Definition called Emissions. When an initiative is created using this Initiative Definition, it will automatically be considered in the Emissions Module.

Creating a new Emissions Initiative

To create an Initiative that is specifically for Emissions, navigate to Initiatives and click the +Add button. Select Emissions from the list of options. 

Flagging an existing Initiative for Emissions

Initiatives created before the Emissions Module was enabled can also be included by setting the Use in Emissions Module checkbox in Administration > Initiative Definition > Your Initiative Definition name.
Set the  Use in Emissions Module checkbox "on" to include initiatives from this Idea Definition in the Emissions module.

Note: Only values calculated by a VDT node set with a Non-Financial Category of Emissions, or if a VDT is not used, a Non-Financial Benefit added to the Initiative, will be considered in the Initiative Impact and Marginal Abatement Cost Curve charts.

Next Steps

After your Initiative is enabled for Emissions, you can continue configuring the Initiative data required by the Emissions module.