NB: Only the specified percentage is used, the value is used for reference purposes.

The value specified on the Idea Forecasts section is used to estimate values for the Idea in future months.

The system uses the specified percentage to override the predefined percentage for an Idea Stage i.e. Evaluating, Implementing(0.0%), Cash Flowing(50.0%) and Locked In(100.0%).

  • Predefined percentages can be confirmed on  Administration -> Stages -> Click on a particular Stage. i.e. Cash Flowing. The Benefit Target Percentage field is 50%.

The specified percentage is used to calculate the estimated value for that particular month, which is then used to generate the cumulative benefit report as per specified filters.

Note when a forecast percentage is specified the will used the specified percentage until a new one is specified.

Forecast values are calculated in reference to the Idea stage at that time. 

If there are no forecasts specified, the calculations are as follows:

  • The Idea benefit or forecast value per stage is the Annualized benefit/365 * stage percentage = benefit of the Idea for a particular period.

Using the example above with a forecast percentage specified of 50% from 01 May 2018, the calculation is as follows:

  • The Idea benefit or forecast value per stage is the Annualized benefit/365 * stage percentage = benefit of the Idea for periods before 01 May 2018
  • From 01 May 2018 onward the Idea benefit value will be calculated as Annualized/365*50% until a new forecast percentage to be used is encountered.