In This Article


Creating a RAR Series

Configuring / Completing a RAR

RAR Areas

Next Steps:


RAR, which stands for Results Action Review, is a regularly scheduled meeting designed to foster quality discussions between a manager, supervisor, or leader (the Reviewer) and their employee or team member (the Reviewee). RARs aim to be concise, direct, and based on factual information. 

The purpose of a RAR is to align the Reviewer and Reviewee, ensuring both parties understand recent events, expectations, and deadlines. Key considerations for RARs include:

  • providing the Reviewer with a clear understanding of the Reviewee's current tasks, challenges, and areas where assistance may be needed.
  • serve as a platform to highlight achievements, address challenges, and prioritize upcoming deliverables. 
  • these meetings occur periodically, typically on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis, covering activities from the previous period and outlining expectations for the next period.

Creating a RAR Series


On the WiredUp dashboard, click on the Management option from the ribbon bar.

Select the RAR option. This will open the screen below with Reviewers and Reviewees panel on the left.

Reviewers section shows a list of your existing Reviewers from the existing RAR series created.

Click this button to create a new RAR series. This will open a screen for configuring the new RAR series. An example of the configuration screen is provided on the screenshot below:

On the RAR Configuration screen, you have the view of the names of the Reviewer and Reviewee as well as the option to Change the Reviewer if needed. On the right side of the screen, you can select the Portfolio from the dropdown list for which you will create the RAR for and choose the Date for the first RAR instance. You can also specify the End Date for the RAR series as well. If unspecified, the series will continue indefinitely. In addition, you can choose the RAR Frequency for the RAR meetings and adjust the Number of Historic RARs from the previous months available for quick access. Specify which RAR Sections should be included in the RAR series and indicate whether actions from other sources should be included for review in the Include Actions From section.

Reviewees section shows a list of your existing Reviewees from any of the existing RAR series created.

Note: After the End date, the system will not create another RAR instance. Therefore, the date entered on the End Date field will be the last date that the RAR instance from the series will take place.

Configuring / Completing a RAR

The RAR header contains information related to administrating the RAR and RAR process:

Reviewer - person reviewing the RAR

Complete button - Click this button to mark the RAR as complete and submit it

Download - opens options pop-up to download the RAR pack

Email – opens pop-up for emailing the RAR pack to selected individuals

Audit - opens audit options to review previous RAR's, check completion etc

Configure - Opens config options to make changes to existing RAR series, skip or import RAR’s

Skip Current RAR - select this option to skip the current RAR instance. This will skip the current RAR that was supposed to take place and open to the next RAR occurrence. Note that this action is irreversable

Import from RAR - Imports previous RAR series or instance to current RAR

Reopen Previous RAR - select this option to reopen a previously completed RAR

Note: On point 1 (Reviewer), if the Reviewee decides to delegate the RAR instance to different Reviewer, the original Reviewer will not appear on the title.

When the RAR instance has been delegated, the new Reviewer's initials will appear on the suffix of the date on the RAR instance.

Note: On point 2, the Review section needs to be completed to complete the RAR. This will be asked automatically when the Complete button is selected and the Review section has not been completed.

RAR Areas

In addition to the RAR header, the RAR contains various area sections that enable the user to pull and view specific information from within WiredUp for ease of reference:

Note: These RAR Area sections are shown based on the RAR Sections selections on Configure Series

Note: Upon completion of a RAR, meeting effectiveness questions should be answered to help identify areas for improvement in the process / discipline in execution.  These will automatically be asked when the complete button (2 above) is selected.


The Results section serves as the Summary page, categorized by the Overview items configured within Administration> Organisational Structure> Configuration > Overview Types for single site users or Portfolios > Configuration > Overview Types for multi-site users. Each category appears within this section, and completion of each is optional.


To add an overview type, simply type in the + Add field. To delete an item, clear the text. You can reorder items by dragging them up or down to the desired location.

Highlights encompass any positive outcomes or points to note that the Reviewee wishes to emphasize from the previous period. Conversely, Lowlights pertain to negative aspects or issues warranting discussion or attention. Emerging Issues refer to potential concerns or threats to performance that have surfaced. Priority Deliverables outline specific tasks or actions that must be completed in the upcoming period. Additionally, the Reviewee may specify areas where they require assistance from the Reviewer on the You can help by option, detailing how the Reviewer can offer support.


You can set specific KPIs to review as part of the RAR, these are viewed as standard KPI tiles. KPIs can be added by clicking on the Add button. Switching on ‘Configure’ allows you to delete and reorder KPIs.

Each KPI widget shows the owner when it was last updated as well as actual, target and variance values. For more information on RAR KPIs, please see the following article: RAR KPIs


Initiatives can be added by clicking on the +Add button. Switching on Configure allows you to delete and reorder Ideas.

Each Idea on the widget shows the code, name, owner, stage and status. For more information on RAR Ideas/Initiatives, please see the following article: RAR Ideas/Initiatives


The Resources section include a list of resources with % allocation required by the week. Add resources by selecting from the list of available people. For the current RAR, the resource availability can be indicated using a status colour and expected resource allocation can be forecasted for subsequent occurrences of this RAR.


Within the reports section, WiredUp and PowerBI reports and attachments can be added and configured for the RAR when you click on the drop-down menu.


Actions are split into Last Actions and Next Actions. By using the filter at the top of each segment, the actions list can be filtered by source i.e. Ideas/Initiatives, Meetings etc. For more information on RAR Actions, please see the following article: RAR Actions

Next to the action number, the source is also shown as an icon, hover over each icon to view or click the icon to navigate to the source.

  • Last Actions

The When column shows the due date of the action; the background colour makes it easier to identify the status of the action:

  • Blue - outstanding, not yet overdue
  • Red - overdue
  • Green - completed

Click the speech bubble on the action to add comments. Marking an action as complete can be achieved by clicking the box at the end of the action row.

When an action is completed, it is removed from the Next Actions list and shown as Completed in green.

Last Actions cannot be edited/revised. This can only be done in the "Next Actions" section.

  • Next Actions

To edit an action, click the name of the action in the What column. If a tooltip appears next to the date in the when column, this means the action due date has been revised, hover over the "i" icon to see the original due date of the action. 

The Area column can either be a free-text value, or you can select an overview item if it is configured to be added to an action (This is done in Admin>Overview Type).

To unlink an action, click the delete icon at the end of the action row. The confirmation also gives the option to permanently delete the action.

  • Review

The review section contains the question set up in Admin>RAR Quality Questions. If visible, this section is must be completed before a RAR can be marked as completed. For more information on RAR Review, please see the following article: RAR Review

Changes made in a RAR are saved automatically.

Next Steps:

To create a new RAR series, please see the following article: Creating a RAR series