
Why is my Workflow auto-approved and not sending notification to stakeholders
To diagnose and resolve this issue the following will need to be confirmed? e.g. If you try to Submit a Workflow for Approval and the following is displ...
Mon, 1 Jun, 2020 at 12:57 PM
How to insert an Action to a specific location within the Idea Workplan
Option 1. You can now highlight the action that the new action should be displayed under, as per the image below:         Step: Highlight an existing actio...
Mon, 29 Jul, 2019 at 2:40 PM
What is the impact of workflow changes on existing Ideas?
Changing roles on a workflow: Deleting or adding a new role on a workflow will affect both existing and new Idea, the required roles for approval will be ...
Fri, 9 Apr, 2021 at 10:06 AM
Idea benefit Calculation: Why is the system displaying zero benefits
Firstly verify that there were values uploaded and that the VDT is configured correctly.  After confirming the above, you will need to check the selec...
Sun, 19 Jan, 2020 at 2:08 PM
Idea: How did an Idea move stages without the required Approvals?
When an Idea is created the system links all defined workflows and their respective stakeholder role to the Idea, as a result, should there be changes made ...
Mon, 1 Jun, 2020 at 12:36 PM
Idea: How to delete an Idea
Please note that in order to delete an idea, you will need to have a role that is assigned the Idea Administrator permission. As an Idea Administrator, ...
Mon, 1 Jun, 2020 at 12:37 PM
Idea Benefits Calculation: KPI value not displaying as expected.
Note depending on the selected KPI Measurement Type the day/date on which a KPI value was uploaded plays a major role when the values are calculated by the ...
Mon, 1 Jun, 2020 at 12:38 PM
Ideas: Where to find Idea investments on the system
Please note investments are added based on the defined Investment Categories in Administration > Investment Categories. Investments You can then Add ...
Wed, 8 Apr, 2020 at 7:35 PM
What is the Annualized Value flag on an idea?
This flag is used when the value (Within VDT) is not annualized and is required to be annualized to realize the full benefit or Idea Value. Taking into cons...
Tue, 16 Feb, 2021 at 11:33 AM
How can I delete an Idea/Initiative
To delete an Idea/Initiative, please follow the steps outlined below: Only a cancelled idea can be deleted. To cancel an idea, click on Status and select ...
Mon, 16 Sep, 2024 at 3:53 PM